- Eryilmaz, S. “Age-based preventive maintenance for coherent systems with applications to consecutive-k-out-of-n and related systems”, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 204, 107143, 2020.
- Kan, C., Devrim, Y. and Eryilmaz, S. “On the theoretical distribution of the wind farm power when there is a correlation between wind speed and wind turbine availability”, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 203, 107115, 2020.
- Eryilmaz, S., Ozkurt, F.Y. and Erkan, T.E. “The number of failed components in series-parallel system and its application to optimal design”, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 150, 106879, 2020.
- Eryilmaz, S. and Kan, C. “Reliability based modelling and analysis for a wind power system integrated by two wind farms considering wind speed dependence”, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 203, 107077, 2020.
- Eryilmaz, S. and Ozkut, M. “Optimization problems for a parallel system with multiple types of dependent components”, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 199, 106911, 2020.
- Eryilmaz, S. and Pekalp, M.H. “On optimal age replacement policy for a class of coherent systems”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 377, 112888, 2020.
- Gong, M., Eryilmaz, S. and Xie, M. “Reliability assessment of system under a generalized cumulative shock model”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O, Journal of Risk and Reliability, 234, 129-137, 2020.
- Bozbulut, A.R. and Eryilmaz, S. “Generalized extreme shock models and their applications”, Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 49, 110-120, 2020.
- Tank, F. and Eryilmaz, S. “On bivariate compound sums”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 365, 112371, 2020.