- Yalcin, F., Eryilmaz, S. and Bozbulut, A.R. “A generalized class of correlated run shock models”, Dependence Modeling, 6, 131-138, 2018.
- Tuncel, A. and Eryilmaz, S. “System reliability under delta-shock model”, Communications in Statistics Theory and Methods, 47, 4872-4880, 2018.
- Eryilmaz, S. “The number of failed components in a k-out-of-n system consisting of multiple types of components”, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 175, 246-250, 2018.
- Eryilmaz, S., Coolen, F.P.A. and Coolen-Maturi, T. “Mean residual life of coherent systems consisting of multiple types of components”, Naval Research Logistics, 65, 86-97, 2018.
- Eryilmaz, S., Erkan, T.E. “Coherent system with standby components”, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 34, 395-406, 2018.
- Eryilmaz, S. “Stochastic ordering among success runs statistics in a sequence of exchangeable binary trials”, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 20, 563-573, 2018.
- Eryilmaz, S. “Phase type stress-strength models with reliability applications”, Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 47, 954-963, 2018.
- Eryilmaz, S. “On the first time of ruin in two dimensional discrete time risk model with dependent claim occurrences”, Communications in Statistics Theory and Methods, 47, 2251-2258, 2018.
- Eryilmaz, S. “Reliability analysis of multi-state system with three-state components and its application to wind energy”, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 172, 58-63, 2018.
- Eryilmaz, S., Coolen, F.P.A. and Coolen-Maturi, T. “Marginal and joint reliability importance based on survival signature”, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 172, 118-128, 2018.
- Eryilmaz, S. “On success runs in a sequence of dependent trials with a change point”, Statistics & Probability Letters, 132, 91-98, 2018.